Design your own GUI¶
This GUI is designed using Pyqt5, please refer to Pyqt and qt designer tutorials for creating basic window. GUI files are saved in packageviewslayouts, you could open one of them to modify.
Following example is assuming you want to modify experimenter GUI based on the current design.
Open packageviewslayoutsmainwindow3.ui in Qt Designer.
Once you designed your own window and saved as .ui file inside layouts foler, run the following code in terminal to convert .ui into .py file.
pyuic5 –x your_GUI.ui –o
- Open, do following modifications:
replace class name with ‘Ui_MainWindow’
Add this line before class definition
import pyqtgraph as pg
- replace
self.graphicsView = QtWidgets.QGraphicsView(self.tab_MRCP)
- with
self.graphicsView = pg.PlotWidget(self.tab_MRCP)
- Modify GUI module names accordingly in
Replace ‘main_layout16’ with ‘your_GUI’ in the whole file